
Interesting read, especially because it directly mirrors Marx's Theory of Alienation.

I suggest as a 4th solution:

Chinese start putting little excerpts of ancient Eastern wisdom in each package they ship to the West, because we urgently need it (sorry, fortune cookies are not enough!).

We've lost touch with our nature.

Yes, that sort of "we buy things we don't want to impress people we don't know, believing in things we don't feel and don't do anything before science approves".

No, I don't want to be that father who, when his children ask to narrate a story, he replies: "sorry, no data found. Alexa, please take over!"

We have to continue telling stories from our heart. Not out of fear, but because of the faith we have within ourselves.




Andreas Karamalikis
Andreas Karamalikis

Written by Andreas Karamalikis

In search of experiences that change the way we perceive the world. Greek German Londoner, UX Designer, ex-Architect. // karamalikis.co.uk

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